
running full steam ahead...and still buying it
All our lives we’ve dreamed about it
Just to find that it was never real
This sure ain’t no great Valhalla
Coming closer each turn of the wheel
Forlorn, adrift on seas of beige
In this our Golden Age
Even in our darkest hour
Never thought that it could get so bad
Bullied, suckered, pimped and patronised
Every day your tawdry little lives
So loose your head
And step within
The silence deafening
Now you saw it coming
And I saw it coming / We all saw it coming
But we still bought it / Now you saw it coming
And I saw it coming but still / Running full steam ahead
In and out of consciousness
It breaks my heart to see you like this
Crying, wringing hands and cursing fate
Always so little far too late
It’s 3am I’m wide awake
There’s still one call to make
Now you saw it coming / And I saw it coming
We all saw it coming / But we still bought it
Now you saw it coming / And I saw it coming
We all saw it coming / But we still bought it
Now you saw it coming / And I saw it coming
But still running full steam / Now you saw it coming
And I saw it coming but still / Running full steam
Now you / And I
We all saw it coming / But we still bought it
Now you / And I
We all saw it coming / But we still bought it...
Pasarea albastra a fericirii...
Iarna se numara racelile
Avem nevoie de:
- 2 cepe medii, un morcov mai mare, 2 cartofi taiati cubulete mici, o jumatate de legatura de patrunjel tocat marunt, 1 ½ l supa de legume (apa + legume deshidratate) sau pur si simplu apa fiarta, o jumatate de conserva de rosii in suc propriu (sau 2 rosii proaspete decojite), 300 g fasole boabe alba sau rosie (eu am pus din conserva), 150 g fasole verde, o mana de taitei mai grosi, sare dupa gust.
Preparare: Ceapa se toaca marunt si se caleste in 2 linguri de ulei de masline, la foc mic, pana se inmoaie si devine sticloasa. Se adauga morcovul taiat marunt, trei sferturi din rosiile tocate, cartofii, patrunjelul si supa/apa. Se lasa sa fiarba aproximativ ¾ de ora. Apoi se adauga fasolea boabe, fasolea verde si taiteii si se mai lasa pe foc inca 10-15 minute, pana cand taiteii sunt fierti. Intre timp, se prepara pasta de bucuioc: usturoiul se piseaza bine si se amesteca cu uleiul, busuiocul tocat si parmezanul. Sau, mai simplu, usturoiul se poate amesteca cu o lingurita generoasa de sos pesto. Iese la fel de bun! Pasta obtinuta se amesteca cu 3-4 linguri de supa si se toarna in oala peste restul. Apoi se opreste focul si se presara pe deasupra restul de rosii tocate. Se potriveste de sare dupa gust.
Pofta buna si o iarna fara raceli!