
Povestea Oamenilor de Zapada... / Snowmen Story...

Oamenii de zapada isi fac bilantul...
The Snowmen make the balance sheet...

S-au bucurat si i-au bucurat pe altii...
They joyed others and enjoyed themselves...


Au trecut prin greutati, dar si prin momente fericite...
They passed hardships but also had happy moments...

Si-au facut prieteni noi, dar nu s-au uitat nici pe ei insisi...
They made new friends but didn't forget themselves...

Au mers, au tacut, au inteles si s-au maturizat...
They walked, they kept silent, they understood  and they matured...

Acum se primenesc si pregatesc sa intampine un nou an. Cum va fi el sa vina...
Now they prepare and get ready to greet a new year. No matter how it will be...


Va multumesc tuturor ca mi-ati fost alaturi acest an si va doresc sarbatori cu bine si un an nou fericit, cu sanatate si multe impliniri! Craciun fericit si La multi ani!
In final, va a ofer in dar cel mai drag colind mie.... Versurile unui mare Om - Radu Gyr cantate de un alt mare Om - Tudor Gheorghe.

Thank you all for being with me this year and I wish you happy holidays and a fulfilling new year, in good health and happiness! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
In the end, I'm offering you a carol, the closest to my soul... A great Man's lyrics - Radu Gyr sung and interpreted by another great Man - Tudor Gheorghe


Intalnindu-l pe Galben... / Joining Yellow...

Galbenul mi-a placut dintotdeauna. Pentru mine inseamna caldura, bucurie, sarbatoare a vietii in curgerea ei perpetua. Cand eram copil insa, ma feream s-o recunosc. Chiar daca nu stiam prea bine ce inseamna, auzisem ca gelozia se imbraca astfel... 
Acum, galbenul ma ajuta sa traiesc fericirea fiecarui nou apus, recunostinta fiecarui nou rasarit. Prin el am inteles nevoia strabunilor de a-l celebra prin cantec si dans, prin rugaciuni si ritualuri, pe cel fara de care lumea asa cum o cunoastem n-ar mai fi la fel: Soarele. An de an, in preajma celor doua solstitii - de vara si de iarna, si-a celor doua echinoctii - de primavara si de toamna.   

Stiu, Craciunul e foarte aproape, ne bate la porti. Pana atunci insa, avem a sarbatori o noua victorie a Soarelui in vesnica si anuala-i lupta cu intunericul. Pe 21 decembrie. Fara frica si fara apocalipse. Si poate ca de data asta, vom intelege mai multe...

I've always liked yellow. For me it means warmth, joy, life's celebration in its ceaseless flowing. But when I was a child, I was reluctant showing it. Even though I wasn't sure what it really meant, I had heard that jealousy dressed like that...
Today, yellow helps me live the joy of every new sun set, the gratitude of every new sunrise. Yellow helped me understood our ancestors' need to celebrate through songs and dances, through prayers and rituals the one without which the world as we know it wouldn't be the same: the Sun. Year by year, around the two solstices - midsummer and midwinter solstice - and the two equinoxes - vernal and autumn equinox. 

I know, Christmas is nearly here, knocking at our doors. But till then, we have to celebrate a new Sun's victory in his ancient, yearly battle against the darkness. On December the 21st. With no fear and no Apocalypse. And maybe this time, we'll understand more... 



... si un mic bonus / .... and a little bonus