Trecand prin timp, il insemnam sub pas -
Asa il reprimeste universul.
Dar insusi timpul, cand prin el pasim,
Ne schimba tainic inima si mersul.
Nu batranetea,-n urma alergand,
Spre moarte pasul cearca sa ni-l poarte,
Ci doar maturitatea creste-n noi
Si ne maturizam pana la moarte.
Geografia timpului - Nicolae Labis
Passing through time, we mark it underneath our steps
This is the way the Universe accepts it back.
But Time itself, when stepping through it,
Misteriously changes our heart and pace.
Not old age, chasing from behind,
Our steps to death is struggling to carry,
But only ripeness grows within ourselves
And we keep ripening until our death.
The Geography of Time - Nicolae Labis

the soul-bird
the tree of life
Hi, Roxana! This is a lovely embroidery depicting nature - autumn tree is surrounded by the sun, an acorn, a bird (or wind?), and maybe the moon (left top). I love your handcraft.
RăspundețiȘtergereWe have no way but following "natural progression", which some people call "decay", in the nature which is the only truth, I think.
By the way, you wrote about Hayao Miyazaki’s “ Tales from Earthsea” in your last comment. I was glad to know it because I’m a fan of his works. I’ve never seen it, so I’ll try it someday soon. I especially like “My Neighbor Totoro” , “Princess Mononoke”, and “Spirited Away.”
Have a restful weekend, Roxana.
Hello Roxana,
RăspundețiȘtergereCame here through Stardust's blog. This is a beautiful embroidery, loved the simplicity of it. Yet it is is so beautiful, showing the nature...
Have a fabulous Sunday:)
Hi, Yoko!
RăspundețiȘtergereIt's good to hear from you. I think the same as you do: following the "natural progression" of the nature is the only way we can live. The rest is just illusions of a false "better" or "superior" way, only because we're humans...
I am happy you liked my last embroidery. It depicts my vision of the tree of life which represents the circle of cosmic evolution - death and regeration, and at the same time is a symbol of our own spiritual becoming.
Just like a tree we germinate form a small seed - the acorn - that carries within the essence of our trueself, of our wholeness. Along the years we continuously grow, nurtured and warmed up by the sun, and when the time comes, the moon rises and we have leave this life...
Our ancestors, the Dacians, believed that when we die, our soul rises to the skys as a bird. In some rural parts of Romania, in isolated villages, we can still find in graveyards, not crosses but beautifully carved wooden pillars(symbol of our earthly existence) and on top of them a small (sometimes blue) bird: the dead man's soul.
Thank you for your words, Yoko and have a good, sunny Sunday!
ps I think you will like "Tales from Earthsea" very much. Another Miyazaki's favourite of mine is "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". I'm also a fan of his works and of Ghibli movies in general. I've seen each of his stories several times now and I am still re-watching...
Hello Arti and welcome!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you very much for your words, I am happy that you liked my embroidery!
Even though my English is not that good to allow me to translate a text in a poetic way, I have tried to put an English version of the Romanian poem posted initially. I hope you'll enjoy it as well. :)
I loved your "Photographical memories from the Himalayas", thank you! Beautiful pictures and very inspiring quotes also.
Have a great Sunday and I wish you all the best!
RăspundețiȘtergereBroderiile tale m-au trimis la arborele vieții. Îmi este drag acest extraordinar simbol, îngemănând forța pozitivă masculină, dătătoare de viață și vâltoarea Genezei.
Enigmă, mister și frumusețe, abstractizare a creației umane , dar și universale,
este cel mai frumos simbol pe care l-ai ales!
Și Labiș, cu inocența și fascinația tinereții lui veșnice!
Cu drag, Gina.
RăspundețiȘtergereIti multumesc frumos, ma bucur ca ti-a placut ultima mea broderie!
Pomul vietii este un simbol de care ma leaga amintiri dragi, dar pana acum nici una din reprezentarile sale nu a fost una personala, o viziune a mea. Pana acum.
O zi frumoasa iti doresc si toate cele bune!
Rozana ,
RăspundețiȘtergereAm intrat in casuta ta pasind timid si am gasit cu incantare un blog superb cu imagini sensibile ,ganduri si sentimente brodate diafan in culori pastelate .
Ma bucur ca am ajuns a tine.
te voi urmari cu placere in continuare .
RăspundețiȘtergereIti multumesc mult pentru cuvintele frumoase! Ma bucura si ma onoreaza deopotriva.
Eu m-am reintors azi sa-ti savurez povestile pline de viata, bucurie si umor, de multe ori. Nimic altceva nu mi s-a parut mai potrivit pentru cafeaua de dimineata. :)
O zi frumoasa iti doresc si numai bine!