
Dupa furtuna / After the storm

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
Forever and ever

Pink Floyd - High Hopes, The Division Bell Album

Am vazut furtuna rupandu-le frunze, aplecandu-le flori si spaland polenul, ba chiar smulgandu-i din radacini. Cu toate astea, pomii primesc totul firesc. Cu demnitate. Doar noi, oamenii, ne plangem. Si-aproape de fiecare data dupa o furtuna, ne intrebam ‘pentru ce am fost pedepsiti’?...

Daca o clipa am opri intrebarea la jumatate si-am privi in jurul nostru, am putea vedea ca dupa furtuna lumina e mai clara, aerul mai curat si aromele mai patrunzatoare. Ca cerul e mai cer, pamantul mai pamant si verdele mai verde… O alta perspectiva si totusi aceeasi. Doar mai limpede. Un punct si de la capat, scris pe ramasitele frunzelor si florilor noastre, spulberate de furtuna. Poate un nou inceput spre care, altfel, n-am fi avut curajul si increderea sa pornim?!...

I saw the storm breaking their leaves, bending their flowers and washing away the pollen, even pulling their roots out of the ground.  Nevertheless, trees accept everything artlessly. With dignity. Only we, human beings, like to complain of. And almost after every storm that occurs, we ask ‘what have we been punished for ‘?
If only we could stop that question for a second and look around us, we would see how light is clearer, the air is crisper and the flavours louder, after a storm. How the sky is sky-er, the earth is earth-er and the green is greener…  Another perspective and yet the same. Only clearer. Full stop and start a new line, written on our shattered leaves and flowers.  Perhaps a new beginning we never would’ve had the faith and courage to start walking to?!...

Pink Floyd - High Hopes