The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
Forever and ever
Pink Floyd - High Hopes, The Division Bell Album
Am vazut furtuna rupandu-le frunze, aplecandu-le flori si
spaland polenul, ba chiar smulgandu-i din radacini. Cu toate astea, pomii
primesc totul firesc. Cu demnitate. Doar noi, oamenii, ne plangem. Si-aproape
de fiecare data dupa o furtuna, ne intrebam ‘pentru ce am fost pedepsiti’?...
Daca o clipa am opri intrebarea la jumatate si-am privi in
jurul nostru, am putea vedea ca dupa furtuna lumina e mai clara, aerul mai curat
si aromele mai patrunzatoare. Ca cerul e mai cer, pamantul mai pamant si
verdele mai verde… O alta perspectiva si totusi aceeasi. Doar mai limpede. Un
punct si de la capat, scris pe ramasitele frunzelor si florilor noastre, spulberate
de furtuna. Poate un nou inceput spre care, altfel, n-am fi avut curajul si increderea
sa pornim?!...
I saw the storm breaking their leaves, bending their flowers
and washing away the pollen, even pulling their roots out of the ground. Nevertheless, trees accept everything
artlessly. With dignity. Only we, human beings, like to complain of. And almost
after every storm that occurs, we ask ‘what have we been punished for ‘?
If only we could stop that question for a second and look
around us, we would see how light is clearer, the air is crisper and the flavours
louder, after a storm. How the sky is sky-er, the earth is earth-er and the green
is greener… Another perspective and yet
the same. Only clearer. Full stop and start a new line, written on our shattered
leaves and flowers. Perhaps a new
beginning we never would’ve had the faith and courage to start walking to?!...
Pink Floyd - High Hopes
Hi Roxana,
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat an encouraging and promising message! I think it's quite true. I am not so sure if I could weather a storm without fear and hopefully I'd not encounter a storm, however, I think everything that happens might have its own reason and meaning.
If I remember correctly, this is the second time you introduce Pink Floyd music here. Deep, impressive voice and music.
Green becomes greener and the light becomes lighter and color becomes more colorful in your part of the world, Roxana?
Hello, Keiko
ȘtergereI know I cannot weather a storm without fear, but I also know fear (or overcoming it) is what gives the measure of our courage. We grow a little bit more with every moment we defeat our fear and decide to move forward, no matter what.
You are right, this is the second time I post Pink Floyd's music and I am glad you liked this song also. They're very dear to me. :)
Oh, yes, green has become greener and all nature is alive, very bright and colourful. I'm thrilled about it, I've waited this spring so much!!
Thank you very much for stopping by Keiko, I'm always happy to receive your thoughts and beautiful words. Take good care of yourself and have good days ahead!
Gandurile tale imi aduc aminte de marea furtuna de care am avut parte in viata si eu . Exact asa cum spui, aceste furtuni sunt necesare uneori. Daca incerci din rasputeri, gasesti in tine intelepciunea de a privi cu alti ochi ceea ce se intampla. Si atunci, da, totul devine limpede si curat, ti se arata calea pe care trebuie s-o urmezi ca sa ajungi din nou pe partea insorita a vietii. Iar dupa un timp privesti inapoi cu multumire si recunostinta, pentru ca ai fi ramas tot prafuit si fara culoare daca n-ai fi trecut prin furtuna.
RăspundețiȘtergereTe imbratisez cu drag si iti doresc o saptamana minunata.
Rita, nu vad ce as mai putea adauga comentariului tau...
ȘtergereCa urmare, am postat doar o a doua poza, ce-mi pare ca vine bine in intampinarea celor scrise de tine. Iti multumesc mult pentru pentru experienta impartasita si ma bucur ca acum soarele iti incalzeste viata!
Te imbratisez la randul meu, zile frumoase si tie.
Eu ajung cu mare intarziere sa vad aceasta postare minunata .....
RăspundețiȘtergereCu totii cred ca am avut parte de-o furtuna zdravana in viata noastra , sau chiar mai multe poate , insa nimic nu e mai frumos dupa ce totul trece , dupa ce viata incepe sa-ti surada din nou , dupa raza de soare si aerul curat respirat , si nu in ultimul rand , dupa curcubeul victorios care ne arata cat de frumos e totul in jurul nostru !!! <3
Te imbratisez cu drag !!!
Draga Adina, cand vine vorba despre intarziere, eu sunt de neintrecut in ultima vreme! Stii tu despre ce vorbesc... ;)
RăspundețiȘtergereAi dreptate, totul e sa avem taria de a trece prin furtuna cu ochii si mintea deschise. Altfel, capcana pedepsei divine despre care vorbeam mai sus, devine certitudine. Ma bucur ca ai mentionat curcubeul, caci intamplator sau nu, aparitia lui fizica mi-a marcat cateva momente extrem de importante ale vietii. Un om tare drag mie, dar care din pacate nu mai este, il considera un 'semn' de bun augur. Tot asa am ajuns sa-l simt si eu.
Te pup cu drag, o seara frumoasa!
Hi, Roxana! I don’t know why I missed this meaningful post of my loved friend while commenting sporadically to others, but please accept my apology for the delay. After staying with us for a month after giving birth, my daughter Hiromi returned home with her baby Yuto and now I have more free time.
RăspundețiȘtergereWhile reading your lovely message, I was thinking about storms in our life. When attacked by the storm, I can only endure falling to the bottom, but when the storm is over, I’ll see the blue sky from the bottom and slowly climb up. With each hardship, I think I have gotten stronger and at the same time more sympathetic and gentler appreciating all the wonders of this life.
We've had a dry rainy season. I was worried about drought but now slow-moving typhoon is approaching. I hope nature be milder between drought or flooding.
You introduced such touching music by Pink Floyd again. I like it very much, thank you. Have a nice week.
My dear friend Yoko, please, there's nothing to apologize for! I too missed leaving at least a few words to your last beautiful posts, though I came reading all of them... As you once told me, in life priorities change and sometimes the blog comes second or third and that's perfectly natural. I'm happy when you have the time to stop by, but I'm equally happy if you don't have the time for it as I know you are well, enjoying every day life with your family!
RăspundețiȘtergereFrom the bottom of my heart congratulation for the baby Yuto! What a nice name you chose for him, it sounds determined and very robust. May he lighten up your lives in good health and happiness and enjoy each other for many years to come!
So far the storms of my life shook me pretty hard, leaving behind unanswered questions for a long time after them. In time, I've learnt to ask less and listen more and therefore understand and accept the lessons they bring. With the years passing I too hope to become "more sympathetic and gentler appreciating all the wonders of this life" as you did.
I trust the typhoon won't be giving you any trouble, and you will be safe from extreme weather changes. Take care of yourself and have good days ahead!
Miss you, my friend!!
RăspundețiȘtergereAgree a hundred per cent with your ideia that even a storm is necessary!
Yes, let's complain less and see with open eyes what really happens..
My daughter always says that a storm comes to clean everything around us...
Hugs from South Brasil!!
Hello, my dear Vera!
RăspundețiȘtergereIt's been a long time since I've stopped by and write a few lines here... I miss it, but the friends I've made I miss the most! Hope to be able to come back really soon!
'm happy for your visit and grateful at the same time. Thank you for the good thoughts and the friendship you always showed me!
I totally agree with your daughter and I trust there's a storm coming in the near future to give this crazier world we live in a good "bath"... :(
Warm hugs from my part as well and take care of yourself!