
lucruri simple

Daca ma uit in urma, peste anii ce-au trecut, Craciunul a fost si a ramas singura sarbatoare din an, de care m-am bucurat de fiecare data. Nu pentru conotatiile ei crestin-religioase. Nici pentru zapada. Sau pentru colinde si brad.
Ci pentru ca oricat de bogat sau de simplu venea, Craciunul imi aducea in inima un soi de tainica asezare si caldura. Si, uneori, un strop de tristete. Pentru ca mai trecea un an, iar eu ma regaseam din nou, cam pe nicaieri...
Am avut Craciunuri simple, dar extraordinar de frumoase! Am avut Craciunuri mai imbelsugate, dar cu adanci strangeri de inima si semne de intrebare: si acum, incotro?... Am avut si Craciunuri fara sarbatoare. O alta zi in calendar... si-un pregnant sentiment de singuratate in mijlocul celor ce-mi erau in preajma atunci.
Au fost ani cand am primit daruri ce m-au emotionat profund. Sau cand am reusit sa ating sufletul unui prieten printr-un gest simplu. Au fost si ani in care nu am putut oferi nimic. Si-n care nu am primit nimic. Ani mai usori sau mai grei, fiecare cu lumina si intunericul sau...
Anul acesta am intalnit cativa oameni frumosi. Si calzi. Pe care ii simt aproape, chiar daca nu ne-am vazut niciodata. Si tare mi-ar fi placut sa am posibilitatea sa ofer fiecaruia cate ceva! Fiecarui om drag din viata mea...
Dar cum nu s-a putut, mi-am propus sa-mi incerc indemanarea si sa confectionez felicitari de iarna. Sa trimit ceva simbolic, dar facut cu propriile mele maini. Nu au iesit perfecte! Si poate ca nu sunt nici cele mai frumoase. N-am reusit nici macar sa fac pe cat de multe mi-as fi dorit sa trimit mai departe...
Dar am incercat si sunt mandra de mine. Data viitoare, sper ca voi putea mai mult si, poate, mai bine. Cine stie?... In fond, anul e lung, nici nu a inceput inca, iar de sarbatorit o putem face in fiecare zi, fara ocazii speciale!

Simple things

If I look back, over the years that passed, Christmas was and remained the only holiday I enjoy every time. Not for its Christian-religious significance. Nor for the snow or the Christmas tree and carols.
But for the mysterious warmth and peace of mind Christmas always brought no matter how simple or generous it came.  And sometimes with a little drop of sadness: another year had passed, and again, I found myself nowhere…

I had simple Christmases, but extraordinary beautiful! I had richer Christmases, but with deep worries and question marks: and now where to, which is my way and when will I find it?!... I also had Christmases without celebration - just another day on the calendar and a strong feeling of loneliness among those around me that time. I had years with gifts that deeply touched me. And years I could touch a friend’s soul with a simple thing. I also had years I could offer nothing and received nothing. Lighter years or harder years, each of them with its light and darkness…

This year I met a few beautiful, warm people. And although I never saw them in person, I feel them close to me. I would have loved the possibility to offer them something! To each special, dear person in my life. Because I couldn’t, I decided to make Christmas cards and send something symbolic but crafted with my own two hands.  They’re not perfect and or the most beautiful I’ve seen. I couldn’t even make as many as I wanted to send. But I’ve tried and I am proud of myself. Next time I’ll do more and maybe better, who knows?  After all, the year is long - it didn’t even start, and we can mark every day, we don’t need special occasion for celebration.

6 comentarii:

  1. SUPERBE! BRAVO!!!!! Aia cu pisica is the best, normal!
    Off topic: am strans 30 milioane pt copiii de la Fundeni!

  2. Esti un copil mare, Ruxi!
    Cu un suflet si mai mare!
    Spunem tot felul de vorbe despre daruri. Cele ce vin. Si cele pe care le trimitem . Dincolo de vorbe sunt trairile. Ele se simt. Nu ai cum sa le inventezi. Oricat de mestesugit ai fi.
    Am luat omul de zapada.
    Pentru ca este un simbol. Ii vad pe copiii mei adunand bulgari. Mai mari. Mai mari. Si ei , tot mai rosii in obraz.
    Asa te-am vazut astazi. Mai dornica de a raspandi ferticire. Tot mai dornica!
    Zile si nopti frumoase sa ai!

  3. Simo, ma bucur mult ca ati reusit cu proiectul de strangere de fonduri pentru copiii de la Fundeni! Sper sa le fie o mica bucurie macar, dincolo de lupta lor zilnica cu boala.
    In alta ordine de idei, multumesc pentru entuziasmul aprecierii felicitarilor! Ma bucur ca ti-au placut.
    Si, normal, pisica e "the best"! :))) Pup!

  4. Gina, iti multumesc!
    Uneori chiar asa ma simt: un copil mare. Si-mi pare rau ca nu mi se intampla mai des.
    Ma bucur atat de mult ca ti-ai ales omul de zapada! Ti-l daruiesc din toata inima si cu tot dragul, iar daca imi trimiti pe mail o adresa postala, m-as bucura si mai mult sa-ti trimit unul in plic! Chiar daca numai de hartie.
    Si chiar daca va ajunge, probabil, abia dupa Craciun... :-)
    Toate cele bune!

  5. Wow, I found another lovely snowmen! Now I understand your idea of snowmen dated back to here. Christmas in Japan is very commercialized but I capture special feeling among some people who have the idea of giving and sharing and respect the essence of Christianity even though they are not Christians themselves. Christmas of my family is secular but we are happy to share such a nice tradition (with Japanese twist).

    Christmas is not a holiday in Japan, and I heard from my Canadian teacher that Christmas is the most sad and lonely day for him in Japan even when with his Japanese wife and friends. I thought Christmas had special mental attachment to those who have that background as your expression “Christmas brings a kind of mysterious heart and warm place.” shows. (Does the English words chosen by the translator reflect correctly what you had in mind?) As far as I read from the translated English (by Google translator), I’m not sure from where your sadness or feel of loneliness came. Maybe in the middle of a foreign country, or maybe due to different interpretation of Christmas? Anyway, you have a special talent to make yourself happy in the process of crafting and to make us amazed with the result.


  6. Dear Yoko,
    Thank you for taking the time to read this old post of mine and leaving me such a thoughtful comment! You understood perfectly what the 'Christmas spirit' means for me. I also added an English translation so you can make an idea about the sadness I talked about.

    Here also Christmas is very commercialized and unfortunately, much of our beautiful old Romanian tradition is gone. It's still present to the countryside, but in the big cities, Christmas had transformed into an excuse for partying (not celebrating), for eating and drinking a lot. I'm not a traditionalist, I don't even practice my religion (I believe the Orthodox Church is one of the main institutions to blame for the primitive, narrow-minded way some people are in my country), but I can't help feeling sad when I see that's about all in life for an increasingly number of people.
    Maybe I'm narrow-minded too but for example, I remember while living in England how speechless I was a couple of weeks after Christmas when I saw big boxes in the supermarkets saying "please recycle here your Christmas cards". I mean what's the point of chopping all those trees to make beautiful cards if we throw them away after just a few weeks? And do we really send the cards because we feel so or has it all become a convenience? Where's the value in all that?...
