
Redescoperind Romania / Rediscovering Romania

Cand simti ca locul tau este niciunde, iar pretutindeni este mult prea departe, intoarce-te si bea o gura din izvorul ce te-a hranit inca de la primii pasi. Acasa.
Aseaza-te cuminte pe pamantul cald, asculta vantul. In adierea-i blanda, vei auzi glasurile celor ce ti-au lasat mostenire un nume, o limba si o tara. Romania.

Nu te lasa pacalit de ce vei auzi inainte sa pleci! Si nu-ti lua cu tine bagaje mari si multe: frici, prejudecati, dezamagiri, regrete, asteptari. Odata ajuns, deschide-ti inima, lasa-ti ochii liberi sa rada si sa planga preaplinul dinauntru, si-ti vei reaminti. De tine.

Va fi o calatorie de neuitat.

The moment you feel your place is nowhere and everywhere is so far away, that is the time to go and drink right from spring that fed your very first steps. Home.
Lie quietly on the warm earth, listen to the wind’s whispers. They will carry the voices of those who left you the legacy of a name, a language and a country. Romania.

Don’t let yourself be deceived by what you’ll hear before you go! And travel light: no fears, prejudices, disappointments, regrets, illusions. Once there, open your heart, free your eyes to laugh and cry the overflow inside and you’ll remember. Of yourself.

It will be a journey to remember always.