

Maine se va implini o saptamana de cand ne-am intalnit. Intamplator. Sau poate nu... Planuri rasturnate, calatorii anulate, scurte pareri de rau. Toate alaturi de-o mare bucurie!
Are aproape patru saptamani si e fetita. I-am spus Norocel. Norocul este al meu, la fel si privilegiul de a-mi fi fost scoasa in cale.

Tomorrow it will be one week since our encounter. By hazard. Or maybe not... Change of plans, cancelled trips, short regrets. All together with a great joy!
She's almost four weeks old and she's a girl. I called her Norocel (Little Luck). I'm the lucky one and the privileged for her to be put on my way.

50 de comentarii:

  1. How adorable! Norocel is such a lovely name. She is sound asleep, probably feeling safe and loved. I’m happy for the two of you, roxana.

    I’ve wondered how far you went on a trip. :-) She’s the top priority, take your time with her.


  2. Dear Roxana,
    How cute Norocel is! Is this the first time you have a cat? She will bring a lot of pleasure to your life together with a happy problem sometimes.
    Especially kittens or puppies or whatever small are so lovable. My present cat is the third one and the second one who lived as long as 20 years was black and white like Norocel.
    I am happy for Norocel.
    Thank you for sharing sweet shots, Roxana.


  3. Dear Yoko,

    I'm very happy for finding her. She's very cute. Especially now, a week older, with an increasing appetite for playing and... hunting. Mostly my fingers and some tassels I had left from a table cloth.

    My trip wasn't very far. :) Just to my mother and back. The rest of the plans - also visiting my sister and her family - fell into ruin. Well, at least we could catch up at my mother's house!
    It's good to have you here, Yoko, have a great weekend!

  4. Dear Keiko,

    Yes, this is my first cat. We also had two cats when we were children, but it was obvious my sister was their master. :)
    You had a 20 years old cat?!?! I've never heard of a cat living so long! It must have been pretty hard to lose it... The cat you have now is very sweet, one can see she/he feels very loved and spoiled. :)

    Unfortunately, in my country there are a lot of abandoned cats and dogs on the streets. Some are the puppies&kittens of those already there (too few are sterilized), others are simply thrown away by idiotic people who consider the waste of life a contraception measure...
    Therefore when and if I can, I like to help. Three years ago my husband and I had found 7 new born puppies which we raised and found good parents for. If you want, you can see them here: http://destinatiaintamplatoare.blogspot.ro/search/label/7

    I'm glad having you here and sharing such wonderful experiences, Keiko. Thank you!

  5. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    isn't she the pretiest one you have ever looked at??

    Life is much better when we have a pet around us!! I have three cats and seven(!!!!!!!!!) dogs.

    Yes, there are trips we are going to cancel... but the most importante trip of all we are going to have a sincere friend together with...

    Be happy you both!!!
    Hugs and kisses for you, my friends!!!

  6. My dear Vera,
    Yes, she is! :) She is adorable and very playful.
    You are such a very good soul taking care of so many animals! The time you spend with them must be very rewarding.
    I agree with you, there are trips to be cancelled but also there are trips to teach us about ourselves. The latter are not scheduled by us. I remember people saying they don't like cats because they're not faithful. I guess we really like the idea of someone being dependent on us...

    I'm happy having you here my friend! Warm wishes from an unbearably hot Romania... and have a great Sunday!

  7. Roxana,
    We do have those abandoned cats and dogs. Some volunteer group are so eager to protect, get them neutered and find them new homes. My cat (he) is one of them. If you like, my post about it is here:http://cosmosenglishwritingblog.blogspot.jp/2011/07/nice-to-see-you.html

    PS Thank you for taking the time to translate Spanish comment:)


  8. Thank you, Roxana, for your lovely and heartwarming comment on my post about Coo. He was very glad to hear from you!

    I'm looking forward to seeing Norocel growing up to be a fairy girl or a tomboy!

    Have happy days ahead, Roxana.


  9. Thank you Keiko for the sweetness of your heart! It's been lovely talking to you and sharing such nice memories and experiences. Coo is great tom cat, I hope you'll add some more stories and pictures with him in time!

    I'm also looking forward to seeing Norocel growing - she started tasting junior food today, but she's still suckling from the bottle. I promise to keep you up-dated. :)

    All the best and take good care of yourself!

  10. E minunata!!!Super dragalasa Norocel.
    Sa ai noroc la ea si sa-ti aduca multa fericire:-)))
    Ce mi-as doro si eu una...
    Te pup;-)

  11. Angelica, si ce te opreste?... :) Iti multumesc frumos pentru urari si te mai astept, cu drag.

    Te pup, o seara frumoasa!

  12. Doamne, cat e de frumoasa! Ce la bute catifelate are! Cred ca tare iubitoare. Nu poate fi altfel. Ma bucur ca-ti lumineaza viata. Iar ea, cu siguranta ca e norocoasa. Sa va bucurati una de cealalta. Te pup, iar pe Norocel o mangai un picut cu gandul.

  13. Rita, buna dimineata!
    Iubitoare, zici? Este, cand i se face somn si se cuibareste s-o scarpin si s-o mangai. In rest, e un dracusor si jumatate: zgarie si musca de numa'!
    Iar cand nu-i convine ceva, se infoaie si scuipa. :))

    Iti multumeste pentru mangaieri, astea niciodata nu-s prea multe. Acum doarme, torcand fericita.
    Te pup, o zi faina!

  14. roxana,
    What a treasure and what a fragile little life! I want to hug her!

  15. keiko,
    I'm sure she'd love that! Hugs and caresses are never too much. Or the fingers too many for hunting and biting!
    She's growing restless and full of energy, leaving me without. I'm still sleeping around my coffee mug but she's like a storm, running and playing all around. :)

    Have good days ahead, keiko and thank you for stopping by!

  16. Se face tot mai frumusica pe zi ce trece, Irina... :) Si mai lipicioasa.
    Te pup, zile bune!

  17. Roxana,e foarte frumoasa Norocel :). Imi vine sa ii pup boticul ... roz?!

    Te pup si astept vesti de la tine/voi!

  18. Denisa, i-ar placea. E o alintatura si jumatate. Atunci cand nu musca si zgarie...

    Te pup cu drag! Vestile, pe mail. :)

  19. Ce mai face Norocel? Spune-i ca-i multumesc pentru plus-uri, dar o iubeam si daca apasa pe minus. Mare smechera e cum sta acolo in mijlocul podelei! Ii transmit scarpinaturi si mangaieri multe.:))

  20. Rita, o smechera si jumatate! Inca nu m-am lamurit daca am o pisica sau un caine - asa de mult si de tare musca!
    Asadar scarpinaturile sunt pe riscul tau, degetele iti sunt in mare pericol! :))

  21. Dear Roxana,

    I’d like to report you that summer has ended at last and today I feel cool and crisp air of autumn.

    Coming this blog, I know you’re doing well with Norocel. You must have more and more attachment with her. Be happy and healthy.

    Just to touch base.


  22. Dear Yoko,

    I'm so happy to hear from you!
    I read your last post this morning and so many things came running into my mind... I'll visit you shortly to write down some of the thoughts I have on the vast subject.

    You are right, I have become more attached to Norocel who is rapidly growing into a very naughty young cat. She bites a lot but somehow she always manages to make me not to get upset for that. Hmm.... I think I'm too soft!
    Autumn has come to these lands too. Today it's been only 10 Celsius degrees, down from 26 Celsius yesterday. Brrr!! Luckily, it will get warm again the next days.

    Take care and see you soon!

  23. Bună, Ruxi!
    Nu ne-am mai citit demult..


  24. Buna, Gina!

    Am citit cu drag si bucurie, iti multumesc pentru link! Horica este un copil, de fapt un om, de toata isprava! Povestea lui si-a lui Kiti mi-a mers la inima...
    Ma bucur mult pentru voi si va doresc tot binele si de acum inainte.

    Zile frumoase si insorite!

  25. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de administratorul blogului.

  26. Roxana, Norocel....ce mai faceti? Sper ca sunteti bine.

  27. Irina, ma bucur sa te regasesc! Suntem bine, multumesc. Norocel creste, s-a facut tare frumoasa. :)
    Am fost prinsi in ultima vreme, am tot cautat... n-a mai ramas timp si pentru blog.
    Sper sa revin cat de curand cu ceva idei / lucruri noi.

  28. Ok, cauta, cauta...E bine daca esti pe drumul asta!

  29. Irina, e bine ca sunt pe drumul asta... Rezultatele insa nu sunt prea incurajatoare. Si iarna bate la usa. Tine-mi pumnii stransi!
    Te imbratisez cu drag, ai grija de tine!

  30. Hello, roxana.

      Your exquisite work leads my impression.
      The passion for the art.  It is universal.

      Thank you visit to my garden.
      The prayer for all peace.

    Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma❃

  31. Miss you, my dear friend Roxana!
    Hope everything is OK with you!
    Here we go on living and let live...(smiles)
    Warm hugs from south Brazil!

  32. Hello ruma!

    Thank you for the generous words of appreciation. Coming from you, they are always a joy and honor!

    My best of wishes and have good days ahead!

  33. My dear friend Vera,

    I am very happy for your visit here! I'm good, thank you for your good thoughts, I have just been very busy lately. The priorities had changed a little and I had less time (and inspiration, to be honest) for the blog. But I think I'll catch up soon, the next days or so.
    Perhaps living and let live it's the best news one can give? I can't say that I'm always successful in doing so... Still learning (smiling back to you).

    A warm hug from my part as well and have happy days ahead!

  34. Miss you as Vera says, too. Seems like you're now busy in what with one thing and another. I know keeping blogging takes time and some inspiration. I myself was sometimes wondering what to do with my blog.
    Anyway it's good to know you're doing fine. Norocel must be growing.
    Take good care of yourself, Roxana!


  35. Dear Keiko,
    I'm very happy having you here!
    It's been busy for me lately, but I hope to come back really soon. I also miss the times we used to read each other exchanging thoughts, ideas and more...
    Norocel is growing indeed, turning into a very beautiful cat. And a very naughty one too, which is not a big surprise since she had a strong personality ever since I found her.

    I wish you a good Sunday and happy days ahead! Take care of yourself and see you soon!

  36. Trec, Gina, si noi odata cu ele... Iti multumesc pentru gand, zile bune sa ai!

  37. Mai Roxana, tu vrei sa ne indragostim de Norocel de ni-l tot lasi de intampinare? Am inteles ca esti foarte ocupata. Crede-ma, te inteleg perfect. Totusi, astept cu nerabdare sa vad ce ai mai lucrat. Sper sa-ti mearga bine. O sa-ti mai scriu sa te intorci pe la mine. O sa pun si restul pozelor. Ma bucur mult ca te-am inveselit cu gasca mea de ursuleti. Te pup duuulce!

  38. Rita, de ce nu? Pe mine ma cucereste in fiecare zi. :)
    De lucrat, am lucrat cu repetitie, adica modele deja expuse. Noutatile sunt deocamdata in faza de proiect. Sper sa le pun in practica cat de curand, insa. Cand vor fi gata, le voi posta cu siguranta!
    Pana atunci, astept noutatile din partea ta. Te pup, spor la lucru!

  39. Ma bucur ca esti bine. Uite ca pana nu ai comentat tu la mine, nu mi-a trecut prin cap ca as putea sa te intreb aici ce mai faci. Deja imi facusem griji pentru tine. Ai lipsit mult. O sa te anunt cand pun celelalte poze. Sa ai o seara frumoasa! (nici nu stiu daca la tine e seara :)). O pup si pe Norocel!

  40. Rita, era seara, lucram de zor. :)
    Iti multumesc pentru griji, pentru gandurile bune si iti astept oricand mesajele aici sau pe email. Ma bucur de fiecare data cand primesc vesti de la oamenii ce-mi sunt dragi!

    Te pup cu drag, o zi frumoasa!

  41. Revin, de data aceasta cu un cadou virtual. Mi s-a oferit sansa sa iti inmanez premiul The Versatile Blogger, asa ca te invit un moment pe blogul meu sa ti-l ridici. Te imbratisez cu drag si iti doresc Craciun fericit alaturi de cei dragi.

  42. Ohhhh , acum am descoperit si eu cine e Norocel !!! <3 Iubesc aceste animalute enorm de mult , iar cand vad in jur oameni care au grija de ele si le iubesc la fel de mult , mor de drag !! <3
    Pupa-i nasucul umed din partea mea , iar daca vrei sa-i vezi pe nazdravnii mei , ti-i arat aici :https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.301601303200080.93909.100000506375775&type=3
    O seara minunata iti doresc !!

  43. Da, catikitchen, ea este Norocel... Un dracusor impielitat care mai nou cere destul de insistent sa mearga pe afara!!
    Din pacate nu pot vedea pozele cu nazdravanii tai, caci nu am cont de Facebook, dar vin sa te vizitez imediat pe blog, poate gasesc ceva si pe-acolo. :)

    Toate cele bune si o zi frumoasa!

  44. Ohhhh , imi pare rau ca nu le poti vedea , iar spre rusinea mea , nu am nici o postare pe blog cu nazdravanii mei !! :( Ar cam trebui sa ma gandesc serios la asta !! :), dar iti pot spune ca am un motan negru ,el e copilul sufletului meu ,si-l am langa mine de mai bine de 16 ani , si mai am un nazdravan tigrat de vreo 3 anisori care face numai prostioare !!! :))

  45. Magda Adina,
    Uite ca te-am... botezat fara sa vreau - mai sus am scris "catikitchen". :))
    Trebuie sa pui ceva poze cu ei si pe blog. Musai! 16 ani e o varsta venerabila pentru o pisica, imi imaginez cat de drag iti este. Cat il priveste pe nazdravanul tigrat, daca-i macar pe jumatate de zvapaiat cum e Norocel, sigur va umple casa de bucurie alaturi de fratele lui mai mare si intelept.
    O noapte buna!

  46. Stai linistita :) , deja m-am obisnuit sa-mi spuna lumea asa !! ;)
    Chiar ma gandesc sa fac o postare cu mustaciosii mei cat de curand ca doar blogul din cauza motanilor se numeste asa !! ;)
    Sunt doi motani total diferiti ,tigratul face mult mai multi draci decat facea mosulica si este foarte salbatic , abia daca -l pot mangaia , iar de smotocit , doar cu forta , in schimb cu mosul pot face ce vreau !!! <3
    O duminica superba iti doresc !!

  47. Magda Adina,
    Norocel adora sa fie mangaiata si rasfatata. Uneori ti s-ar baga si sub piele daca ar putea, are insa momente in care nici macar nu ne tolereaza in apropiere. Cu smotoceala insa, as zice ca mai smotociti (a de citi zgariati si muscati) suntem noi decat ea... :P

    Astept cu nerabdare sa-i vad pe nazdravanii tai, cu atat mai mult cu cat sunt direct raspunzatori de numele (si cred ca nu numai) blogului tau fain! Duminica frumoasa si tihnita in continuare iti doresc!
