
Intalnindu-l pe Galben... / Joining Yellow...

Galbenul mi-a placut dintotdeauna. Pentru mine inseamna caldura, bucurie, sarbatoare a vietii in curgerea ei perpetua. Cand eram copil insa, ma feream s-o recunosc. Chiar daca nu stiam prea bine ce inseamna, auzisem ca gelozia se imbraca astfel... 
Acum, galbenul ma ajuta sa traiesc fericirea fiecarui nou apus, recunostinta fiecarui nou rasarit. Prin el am inteles nevoia strabunilor de a-l celebra prin cantec si dans, prin rugaciuni si ritualuri, pe cel fara de care lumea asa cum o cunoastem n-ar mai fi la fel: Soarele. An de an, in preajma celor doua solstitii - de vara si de iarna, si-a celor doua echinoctii - de primavara si de toamna.   

Stiu, Craciunul e foarte aproape, ne bate la porti. Pana atunci insa, avem a sarbatori o noua victorie a Soarelui in vesnica si anuala-i lupta cu intunericul. Pe 21 decembrie. Fara frica si fara apocalipse. Si poate ca de data asta, vom intelege mai multe...

I've always liked yellow. For me it means warmth, joy, life's celebration in its ceaseless flowing. But when I was a child, I was reluctant showing it. Even though I wasn't sure what it really meant, I had heard that jealousy dressed like that...
Today, yellow helps me live the joy of every new sun set, the gratitude of every new sunrise. Yellow helped me understood our ancestors' need to celebrate through songs and dances, through prayers and rituals the one without which the world as we know it wouldn't be the same: the Sun. Year by year, around the two solstices - midsummer and midwinter solstice - and the two equinoxes - vernal and autumn equinox. 

I know, Christmas is nearly here, knocking at our doors. But till then, we have to celebrate a new Sun's victory in his ancient, yearly battle against the darkness. On December the 21st. With no fear and no Apocalypse. And maybe this time, we'll understand more... 



... si un mic bonus / .... and a little bonus

16 comentarii:

  1. Ce mult m-am bucurat cand am descoperit noua ta postare! Pernutele tale atrag razele soarelui si le reflecta si in cea mai mohorata zi. Parca iti incalzesc sufletul. O, ce bucuroasa sunt! Nu-mi incap in piele!
    Vad ca Norocel a devenit o pisica adolescenta supla si frumoasa. Sa-i transmiti mangaierile mele. Te imbratisez cu mult-mult drag.

  2. Draga Rita, buna dimineata!

    Iti multumesc mult pentru cuvintele frumoase, dar si pentru incredere, sustinere si afectiune.
    Ma bucur ca ti-au placut pernele, si mai ales ma bucur sa te regasesc alaturi de mine, dupa o pauza atat de lunga! Voi incerca incet-incet sa revin "in prezent", sa reiau postarile si lecturile blogurilor prietenilor dragi.
    Da, Norocel isi traieste din plin adolescenta, iar mainile noastre stau marturie ca nu-i un lucru tocmai usor! :))

    Te imbratisez la randu-mi cu mult drag si-ti doresc o zi frumoasa!

  3. Dear Roxana
    Actually I’m having a break from blogging and am mostly offline as I’m taking care of my angel or too cute maelstrom. For about an hour after she went into sleep, I can do my personal things and tonight I happened to find your new post. Welcome back! Looks like you came back to supplement the shortage of sunshine with your presence and handworks. Norocel is kissing the sun-kissed flower of your pillow– what a lovely sight!


  4. Sunt minunate pernutele.Galbenul este culoarea mea preferata.
    Numai bine!

  5. Dear Yoko,

    It's such a joy having you here! I liked the way you described your angel, your niece is very sweet indeed. I'm sure it's a blessing having her around!
    I'm glad you liked my pillows, I guess I needed a bit of sunshine after a few days of heavy snow. To tell the truth we had such a beautiful autumn here that I still find myself daydreaming about it...

    Norocel is our maelstrom and it only seems she's kissing the flower, in fact she was chewing the button. She's a master of deceit when it comes to trick you into playing with her.

    Have happy days ahead and my best of wishes to you and your beautiful family!

  6. DiaMar,

    Multumesc frumos de apreciere, ma bucur ca ti-au placut pernele mele!
    Toate cele bune si te mai astept cu drag!

  7. welcomeback, roxana!!
    I am very happy to see your blog and Norocel again. When last time I saw her, she was a cute kitty. But now she is a beautiful lady!! What a wonderful surprise!!
    Your blog is always full of warmth like the sun. Yellow is perfectly your color.

    On December the 21st, nothing happened. I will see Nature and things with respect and awe, but with no fear.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!


  8. It's good to be back, keiko and also to have you here! Thank you for your kind words and appreciation, I'm always happy when I manage to gladden my friends and visitors with my hand works.

    You are right, nothing extraordinary happened on December 21st. But maybe, just maybe, few more people will be able "to see Nature and things with respect and awe, but with no fear" as you beautifully said it.
    No matter if you celebrate Christmas (I know from Yoko-stardust that it has become a pretty popular holiday in Japan too) I hope you'll have joyful days ahead and a New Year at least as good as this one that's shortly coming to an end!

  9. neobisnuit in atmosfera craciunului atata soare si lumina. Sunt de nedescris de frumoase. Dar cred ca Norocel cu boticul in floare iti descrie mai bine tot ce e de spus despre ultimele tale minunatii.
    Ma bucur ca ai reaparut si ne-ai adus victoria Soarelui!

  10. Frumusica Norocel, ce mare s-a facut! Fina si delicata...
    Sarbatori fericite alaturi de cei dragi si un an nou plin de impliniri!

  11. Szusszanás,
    Ma bucur mult ca ti-au placut pernele mele solare! Desi Craciunul (si sarbatorile in general) a devenit neobisnuit de... obisnuit de-o vreme incoace, ziua in care am fotografiat pernele a fost cu adevarat una neobisnuit de calda si insorita pentru aceasta perioada.
    Te imbratisez cu drag si astept sa vad ce minunatii dulci ai facut tu anul asta! ;-)

  12. Irina,
    Multumesc mult de urari! Craciun fericit si tie, cu tihna si bucurii alaturi de cei dragi!

    Da, Norocel a crescut mult. Si-i taaare alintata... Te pup cu drag, la fel si pe Filou.

  13. I've just noticed you are back to blogsphere.
    Welcome back, Roxana! I have to go now but be back here soon, just want to say hi to you. I like yellow too. When I close my eyes, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange...all colors appears.

    Nothing seems to have happened on the 22nd, but I had a feeling something new was happening...inside me.

    Wow, Norocel is so graceful!Does she behave well? Her curiosity doesn't do any harm on your work? I hope so:)
    By for now, Roxana.

  14. Hi, Keiko, it's so good having you here! I think we get to appreciate even better yellow, and light in general, during short and gloomy days of winter like today.

    Yes, Norocel has grown a lot. She is kind of naughty but who isn't when very young? She has got a lot of energy and sometimes I have the feeling a tornado is sweeping our home. None the less and in spite of her increasing curiosity she rarely does any harm to things inside the house. I can really say that she is a very good girl. :)

    My warmest wishes to you and your beloved ones, and Coo of course, and see you soon, Keiko!

  15. My dear friend Roxana, miss you...
    Haven't been here for a long time.
    Have been busy with many boring things and haven't visited my dear friend!!
    But didin't forget you!
    And Norocel is growing up fast!! So cute...
    Hugs.. hugs...hugs...

  16. Dear Vera it's so good having you here! It's been a while since I wrote something in here and visited friends and blogs I like too. But I often thought of each of you.
    So don't worry, I understand you completely! For some time I've been pretty busy myself, after that... I just didn't feel like writing. Lost my inspiration, lost my interest somehow. Still waiting for it to come back...

    Yes, Norocel has grown into a beautiful young cat (at least for me she is), very affectionate and very naughty too. She likes hunting down all the flowers I buy. I'd say she has the soul of a poet but I know I'd be lying. ;-)
    My best of wishes and a warm hug from a snow-bound Romania!
