
Povestea Oamenilor de Zapada... / Snowmen Story...

Oamenii de zapada isi fac bilantul...
The Snowmen make the balance sheet...

S-au bucurat si i-au bucurat pe altii...
They joyed others and enjoyed themselves...


Au trecut prin greutati, dar si prin momente fericite...
They passed hardships but also had happy moments...

Si-au facut prieteni noi, dar nu s-au uitat nici pe ei insisi...
They made new friends but didn't forget themselves...

Au mers, au tacut, au inteles si s-au maturizat...
They walked, they kept silent, they understood  and they matured...

Acum se primenesc si pregatesc sa intampine un nou an. Cum va fi el sa vina...
Now they prepare and get ready to greet a new year. No matter how it will be...


Va multumesc tuturor ca mi-ati fost alaturi acest an si va doresc sarbatori cu bine si un an nou fericit, cu sanatate si multe impliniri! Craciun fericit si La multi ani!
In final, va a ofer in dar cel mai drag colind mie.... Versurile unui mare Om - Radu Gyr cantate de un alt mare Om - Tudor Gheorghe.

Thank you all for being with me this year and I wish you happy holidays and a fulfilling new year, in good health and happiness! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
In the end, I'm offering you a carol, the closest to my soul... A great Man's lyrics - Radu Gyr sung and interpreted by another great Man - Tudor Gheorghe

20 de comentarii:

  1. La mulți ani de gânduri bune, Ruxi!

    Îmi plac poemele lui Radu Gyr, ascult cu plăcere muzica profund românească a maestrului Tudor Gheorghe!
    Să fii iubită!

  2. Lovely snowmen! Not only lovely but also with firm sense of identity.
    The carol sounds so rich and comfortable that it deeply and quietly sinks into my heart.Thank you for sharing the beautiful carol.
    Your new header is exquisitely beautiful.

    Stay warm and take good care of yourself, Roxana. Wish you and your loved ones and Norocel a Happy New Year of 2013!


  3. La multi ani cu sanatate si bucurie, Gina! Iti multumesc mult pentru urari, ma bucur sa-ti primesc mesajul.

    ..."muzica profund romaneasca"... cuprinde ceea reprezinta pentru mine atat Radu Gyr cat si Tudor Gheorghe: mari Oameni si mari Romani. Dar cum in ultima vreme tot ce face referire la romanism si romanitate se interpreteaza pe negativ... am ales sa ma rezum la prima sintagma. Deocamdata.

    Toate cele bune si zile frumoase iti doresc!

  4. Dear keiko,

    I'm very happy you enjoyed so much the carol! Even though we have rich and old-rooted winter traditions, with beautiful carols (we call them "colinde"), this song is very dear to my heart.

    The snowmen were like a basis for it, a basis I really enjoyed making (I felt inspired this winter) and happened to befit very well, in my opinion.
    Have happy days ahead, keiko, and a New Year in good health and wellbeing!

  5. Impresionanta postare, Roxana. Asa e, trecem prin toate acestea in decursul unui an. Sa dea Dumnezeu sa invatam cate ceva din fiecare lectie pe care ne-o da viata. Iti doresc sarbatori fericite in continuare si un An Nou fericit, plin de bucurii si de dragoste. Te imbratisez cu mult drag. <3

  6. Rita, bine-ar fi! Macar din cand in cand...
    Sarbatori fericite in continuare si tie, impreuna cu toti ai tai dragi si zile bune! Norocel iti trimite un pupic. :)

  7. Superbe imagini , superbe randuri , superb colind !!!! Un AN NOU plin de bucurii si multa sanatate !!!

  8. catikitchen,
    Multumesc frumos! Ma bucur ca ti-a placut povestea si, mai ales, colindul.
    Un An Nou cu bine, sanatate si multe bucurii iti doresc la randul meu!
    Te mai astept, cu drag.

  9. Am venit un pic sa mai recitesc postarea ta cu oamenii de zapada. Spre bucuria mea, o vad aici pe Adina, prietena mea de la Catkitchen. I-am transmis blogul tau ca sa-si mai descreteasca fruntea. :) E o fata foarte sensibila care iubeste natura. Are doi motani, Vuvu si Mosu. De aici vine numele blogului ei. Poate-ti prinde bine si tie sa mai arunci cate o privire pe la ea. Face niste poze incredibile cu diverse aranjamente si cu ciupercile pe care le gaseste in drumetiile sale prin padure. Acum ca am facut prezentarile, pot sa-mi clatesc in continuare ochii in casuta ta. Iti doresc o saptamana frumoasa, plina de bucurii.

  10. Draga Rita, iti raspund cu intarziere, scuza-ma te rog... De-o vreme incoace tot intarziata sunt!...
    Multumesc pentru recomandare, Adina e deja trecuta in lista mea de "bunatati". :) Ai dreptate, face fotografii tare frumoase si este o persoana sensibila. Dupa ce ne-am conversat putin pe marginea subiectului "pisici" - deh, Norocel, bat-o vina! - a ajuns la concluzia ca este cazul sa-i prezinte cat mai curand pe blanosii responsabili de numele blogului. Abia astept! ;)
    O imbratisare calda (chiar daca ma pregatesc deja pentru a doua runda de curatat zapada in jurul blocului) si un weekend cat mai fain!!

  11. Hi Roxana!
    How happy I am to find your comment on my latest post! Actually I was trying to drop a few line here and suddenly something happened. My father passed away a few days ago. It was a heart attack but he lived as long as 90 years. I am sure he was quite happy and satisfied with his life in this world. However, I am off the blogging for a while. I am writing this just to say how I am glad to know you are doing fine and read your heartfelt writing. Thank you Roxana!


  12. Oh... I am very sorry for your father, Keiko! My condolences and I pray you'll find the strength and peace of mind to overcome this terrible loss... Still it is a great thing your father lived a long and happy, fulfilling life.

    I understand completely you won't feel like blogging for a while and thank you very much for stopping by and leaving me such a thoughtful comment!
    Take good care of yourself, Keiko, I am sure you'll know when you are ready to post again. Sometimes in life, there are more important things to take care of and it's only natural to give them our full attention.

  13. Dear friend Roxana, today we are in a very hot day around here...
    Enjoyed a lot the video. Beautiful places covered by the snow... charming...Enjoyed the music too...
    Warm hugs!

  14. I’ve just started enjoying the stillness after my granddaughter, Fu-u, left for two weeks. I seem to have missed this post while I was almost drown happily in that too sweet and too cute “maelstrom”.

    How imaginative and creative you are! I really like this snowmen story. I think these are called “oshie” in Japan. (Collage-painting in English?) The design is made by sticking pieces of papers, threads, and cloths onto paper. These snowmen are distinctly your color, I think. I enjoyed the carol and the beautiful scenery, too.

    Do you know how happy I was to hear from you, Roxana? Though I enjoy any interpretation, you are the one who paraphrases nicely what I wanted to say and stimulates my thinking further, sometimes adding more fresh views.


  15. Dear Vera,
    I'm sorry you are experiencing such hot days. In here it's mostly snow and temperatures below 0 Celsius. If only we could balance the weather somehow, cool it down a little in Brazil and warm it up in Romania! :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed the video and music. Both the artist and the carol are very dear to me.
    Take good care of yourself and stay cool!

  16. Oh my, two weeks without your sweet Fu-u! I guess that's equally good and hard. You could use some time on your own, enjoying the peace and quiet around the house but also what happiness she brings when she's there!... I remember my niece at Fu-u's age: always playful and so full of energy.

    I'm glad you liked the snowmen story. This is the second time I decided to do myself the cards for the winter holidays (the first attempt is here: http://destinatiaintamplatoare.blogspot.ro/2009/12/lucruri-simple.html) and I enjoyed working every minute even though their crafting takes time. First I imagined the story, after that I drew the elements on different pieces of colored cardboard, cut it off and assembled all on the greeting card. Thank you for telling me the Japanese name for them - oshie, I like the way it sounds!

    I'm very happy hearing from you too dear Yoko, I always enjoy reading your sensible and insightful posts and comments. I hope I'll be able to catch up with what I missed on your blog while being off blogging.

  17. Hello, again, roxana. I didn’t know these were cards for the winter holiday or Christmas cards.... with my poor imagination. They'd be nice to be framed for display on the wall. I left a comment to another snowmen post of the year 2009.


  18. Hello, Yoko!
    I don't think your confusion has anything to do with your imagination (which is great if you ask me) but with me not telling what these images are. I put no envelope in there so I think the post was an invitation for my readers to freely imagine where would they like to see the snowmen. In your case, framed on the wall. I never thought of that and it's a very nice idea, thank you! See, for my poor imagination, they were only cards...
    Thank you very much for returning here and leaving the nice comment on my old post!

  19. Iti multumesc pentur felicitare! pe mine m-a bucurat extrem de mult! Multumesc!

    1. Denisa, draga mea, si pe mine m-a bucurat extrem de mult sa ti-o trimit!
      Te imbratisez cu mult, mult drag.
