
The reality of a dream / Realitatea unui vis

Have you ever fallen into the trap of buying only something that's perfectly finished, flawlessly decorated, even when the thing you bought was not of necessary use for you at the time?
Well, I have to admit, I did. And I think home decor magazines (and not only them) are the perfect bait for such a trap, with all of those pictures lurking you into having "a dream life", a life of luxury even you can now afford... But if you can get a glimpse beyond that "dream life", you realize what you see is often overrated, and in the end the price you have to pay for such a life is... life itself.

What happened with home-made items, no matter how clumsy they're made? What happened with reusing and reshaping old things we don't use anymore? When did we decide effortless is the way for progress, and when are we going to stop lying to ourselves that just because we got that thing into our home in less than 30 minutes, that makes is cheap and affordable?

Well... these are just a few thoughts I have in my mind in the last few days. And because of that, when I shortly visited my favourite fabric shop - it's quite small, but very cosy and the owners are two very nice young ladies - I decided to buy a piece of printed fabric, very cheap just because during printing process,  areas of spread paint appeared here and there. I didn't have something specific in my mind for it, but I particulary liked the floral pattern, of a dark, indigo blue shade.

Later on, I thought: why not pillow cases? The fabric is sturdy, not very soft, so they should get quite nice. I also wanted them with piping edges, so I used in addition for each pillow case: four pieces of white cotton rope, four strips from an old T-shirt and three buttons from an old cardigan..
And the result? Two cheap 40 x 40 cm pillow cases, with floral pattern and buttons enclosure.
Pretty nice, I'd say!

Vi s-a intamplat vreodata sa picati in capcana de a cumpara un lucru doar daca era perfect finisat si impecabil decorat, chiar daca acel lucru nu va era si neaparat necesar la momentul respectiv?
Eu, trebuie sa recunosc, am facut-o. Si cred ca toate revistele de tip “home decor” (dar nu numai) reprezinta momeala perfecta pentru o astfel de capcana, cu toate acele ilustratii ce ne ademenesc catre “o viata de vis”, o viata de lux pe care pana si tu ti-o poti permite acum… Dar daca putem zari macar o clipa in spatele acelei “vieti de vis”, ne putem da seama ca de multe ori produsele sunt supraevaluate si ca, in final, pretul pe care trebuie sa-l platim pentru o astfel de viata este… viata insasi.

Ce s-a intamplat, oare, cu lucrurile facute de noi, indiferent cat de stangace ar fi fost ele? Ce s-a intamplat, oare, cu refolosirea si remodelarea lucrurilor vechi din casa, care nu ne mai sunt de nici un folos? Cand am hotarat ca lipsa efortului reprezinta calea spre progres si cand vom inceta a ne mai minti ca doar pentru ca am obtinut un lucru in mai putin de 30 de minute, aducandu-l acasa, asta il face si ieftin si accesibil?

In fine… astea sunt cateva din gandurile pe care le am in ultimele zile… Si din acest motiv, intr-o scurta vizita prin magazinul meu preferat de tesaturi – un magazine mic, dar foarte primitor, in proprietatea a doua tinere doamne foarte dragute – am hotarat sa cumpar o bucata de material imprimat, foarte ieftin doar pentru ca in urma imprimarii, vopseaua se intinsese pe alocuri. Nu l-am luat pentru ceva anume, insa mi-a placut mult motivul floral, intr-o nuanta inchisa de albastru-indigo.

Ulterior, mi-am zis: de ce nu perne decorative? Materialul este destul de gros, rezistent si nu foarte moale, asa ca ar trebui sa fie tocmai bun. Si pentru ca am vrut sa am si snur pe margini, am mai folosit pentru fiecare fata de perna  4 bucati de sfoara de bumbac, 4 fasii dintr-un vechi tricou si 3 nasturi de la un vechi pullover…
Rezultatul?  Doua fete de perna ieftine, de dimensiuni 40 x 40 cm, cu motiv floral si inchidere cu nasturi. Destul de simpatice, zic eu!


De ce? si cum?...

Cand suntem copii, ne intrebam permanent de ce? si cum?, incercand sa descoperim si sa intelegem lumea in mijlocul careia ne-am nascut. Plini de inocenta, dorim sa ne implinim curiozitatea si traim viata aici si acum, urmand inconstient vocea interioara a esentei din noi. Adevarati exploratori, vrem sa aflam de ce ploua, de ce rasare soarele la inceputul fiecarei zile si apune la sfarsitul ei, cum zboara pasarile si de ce noi oamenii nu putem face la fel. Si fiecare raspuns neprimit, fiecare raspuns umilitor ori care vine sa ne taie indrazneala si sa ne puna la colt prin faptul ca “asta o vom afla cand vom fi mai mari”, caci intrebarea pusa nu este potrivita varstei noastre, are menirea de a construi in jurul nostru un baraj de frici, ignoranta si prostie.

Pas cu pas, ajungem sa inlocuim de ce –urile? si cum-urile? cu fraze si idei de-a gata despre cum stau lucrurile, prea putin descoperite de noi insine si prea mult primite de la altii, “perfecte” dar niciodata perfectibile...

Pas cu pas, ajungem sa acceptam inconstient raspunsuri ce nu ne apartin si pe care nu le intelegem, transformandu-l pe de ce? in ce? si pe cum? in cat?...inlocuind cunoasterea, cu pretul unei false sigurante.

Pas cu pas, ne oprim din crestere, ofilindu-ne incet precum o planta cruda permanent privata de apa si de soare, condamnati la nefiinta prin faptul ca ne-am ratat sansa de a ne maturiza…

Pas cu pas, ajungem sa ne vindem pe o mana de lucruri moarte si fara continut, ce nu vor putea aduce niciodata inapoi acel sentiment al copilariei ca ne “traim viata”, nu viata ne traieste pe noi…

Si toate astea, fara a mai avea curajul sa ne intrebam  cum? si de ce? am ajuns aici…  

As children, we constantly ask ourselves and the others why?  and how? in discovering and understanding the world we were brought into. Full of innocence, we want to satisfy our curiosity and we live life here and now, instinctively following our inner essence. As little explorers, we want to know why is it raining, why does the sun always rise at the beginning of the day and sets at the end of it, how are the birds flying and why can’t we do the same. And every un-received answer, every disqualifying answer or one that cuts our wings and puts us in the corner by “you’ll be told that when you’re older”, since the question we put wasn’t proper for our age, comes to build around us a casement of fear, ignorance and stupidity.

Step by step, we get to replace our why-s? and how-s? with ready-made lines and ideas we know, not from our self-discovering but from others,  “perfect” but never perfectible…

Step by step, we get to unconsciously accept answers we don’t understand, turning the why? into what? and the how? into how much?... replacing knowledge, with the price of a false certainty.

Step by step, we give up ripening, slowly decaying like a small plant deprived of water and sun, doomed to perish for throwing away our chance to mature…

Step by step, we get to sell ourselves to a hand full of dead, hollow things which will never be able to bring back that lost childhood’s feeling that we are living our life, not life is living us…

And all, without even having the courage to ask ourselves why? and how? did we come to this…


Back to basics

De-a lungul timpului, am observat ca nu este nevoie de multe ingrediente, pentru a obtine cea mai gustoasa mancare. Si-am mai observat ca nu este nevoie de o bucatarie super-utilata, pentru ca prajitura sa-ti iasa perfect. Ajunge un colt mai generos de masa, o tava buna, rabdare si bucurie. Rabdarea sa descifrezi secretul cuptorului si bucuria impartasirii bucatelor cu cei dragi.
Bucuria lucrurilor de baza, simple, din inima...

Ravioli dulci la cuptor

pentru aluat: 3 lg ulei, 200 g de faina, 85 g zahar pudra (sau de granulatie foarte mica), 3 galbenusuri de ou, 3-4 lg apa
pentru umplutura: 115 g branza ricotta (eu am folosit cottage cheese, maruntita cu furculita), 1 1/2 lg de zahar, coaja de la o jumatate de lamaie, 1 lg zeama de lamaie, vanilie (optional)
pentru uns: un albus batut cu furculita, zahar brun

Preincalziti cuptorul la 180˚C. Intr-un vas mai mare, amestecati faina cu zaharul si faceti in centru o adancitura. Adaugati galbenusurile, uleiul si 3 linguri de apa si framantati un aluat mai tare, adaugand putina apa daca mai este nevoie (cantitatea de apa difera usor, in functie de faina folosita; eu am pus 4 1/2 lg de apa). Framantati pentru cateva minute, apoi lasati aluatul sa se odihneasca 15 minute. Intre timp, pregatiti umplutura, amestecand ingredientele intr-un castron.
Impartiti aluatul in doua si pe masa infainata, intindeti fiecare bucata intr-o foaie de aprox 2-3 mm grosime, din care taiati patrate cu latura de 5 cm ori cercuri cu dametrul de 5 cm. Puneti o lingurita de umplutura pe fiecare patrat/cerc, acoperiti cu un altul si presati bine marginile cu dintii unei furculite. Asezati ravioli in tava pe hartie de copt, ungeti-i cu albus si presarati zaharul brun. Coaceti timp de 20-25 de minute, ori pana cand devin aurii si crocanti. Se servesc calduti sau reci. Pofta buna!

PS Profit de ocazie pentru a va arata si ultima mea broderie, pe care am numit-o "Pasarea portocalie a prosperitatii " si am postat-o pe blogul meu de lucruri hand-made. Sper sa va placa si va multumesc pentru vizita!

I've learnt in time, that you don't need a lot of ingredients to get the tastiest meal. I've also learnt that you don't need a super-equipped kitchen to get the perfect cake. A generous table corner, a good tray, patience and joy are enough. The patience to unriddle the secret of your oven and the joy of sharing the meals with your loved ones.
The joy of basic things, simple, from the heart...

Italian baked sweet ravioli

You'll need:
for the dough: 3 tbsp oil, 200 g plain flour, 85 g caster sugar, 3 egg yolks, 3-4 tbsp water
for the filling: 115 g ricotta cheese (I used cottage cheese), 1 1/2 tbsp caster sugar, grated rind of half lemon, 1 tbsp lemon juice, vanilla (optional)
for glazing: 1 egg white lightly beaten, granulated brown sugar

How to do:
Preheat the oven to 180˚C. Place the flour and sugar in a large bowl and make a well in the center. Add the egg yolks, oil and 3 tbsp of water and mix to form a firm dough adding a little extra water if required (I needed 4 1/2 tbsp). Knead for a few minutes. Leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, make the filling combining all the ingredients in a small bowl. Divide the dough in two and roll each piece out on a floured work surface until 2-3 mm thick and cut into 5 cm squares or 5 cm diameter rounds. Place 1 teaspoon of filling on each square/round, top with a second one and seal well with the tines of a fork. Place in trays on baking sheet, brush the top of the ravioli with egg white and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until crisp and golden. Leave to cool slightly before serving. Enjoy!

PS I took the opportunity to show you my last embroidery project called "The orange bird of prosperity", which I decided to post on a different blog dedicated entirely to my hand-made works. Hope you'll like it and thank you very much for visiting!


somewhere, over the rainbow...

uneori, in cele mai intunecate momente ale vietii noastre, frumosul se incapataneaza sa iasa la suprafata. cand totul pare pierdut si fara iesire, iar lucrurile isi pierd rostul,  ceva din noi reuseste sa-si strecoare spre inafara lumina.

sa fie doar o compensatie?.. sa fie, poate, expresia efortului de-a ne pastra luciditatea, un mod de a ne “arde” si depasi  nevroza?... 

ori mai degraba oglinda pe care Sinele ne-o aseaza in fata, pentru a vedea ca suntem mai mult decat pierderea, durerea si intunericul? ca suntem, nu o temnita, ci campul verde ce transforma suferinta-n flori si lacrimile-n curcubeu…

sometimes, in our darkest times, beauty grimly fights to come to grass. when all seems lost and helpless and things become meaningless, there’s always something inside of us sliding out its light.  

is it just a compensation?... is it, maybe, an expression of the effort to keep our mind in one place, a way to “burn” and overcome our neurosis?...

or rather a mirror, laid in front of our eyes by the Self, for us to see that we are more than loss, pain and darkness put together? that we are not a prison, but the green field who turns suffering into flowers and tears into rainbow…