
Step by step

“Asa cum cartile se citesc cuvant dupa cuvant, la fel si drumurile se strabat pas cu pas” citeam deunazi  intr-una din cartile mele de suflet, Sky burial. De cate ori nu alegem insa o scurtatura, crezand ca vom atinge aceeasi destinatie?...

"Just as books are to be read word by word, so the roads are to be taken step by step"  i was reading the other day in one of my dearest books, Sky burial. But how many times do we choose a shortcut, believing we'll reach the same destination?...

Shigeru Umebayashi : Lovers ("House of Flying Daggers" 2004)


no story

nici o poveste pentru broderiile de astazi. doar cateva imagini, o sambata insorita si un cantec. fiti fericiti!
no story for today's embroidery. only a few images, a sunny Saturday and a song. be happy!

Francis Cabrel - Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai


the remains of today

 aspiration... / nazuinta...

where do we go from here?... / de aici inspre mai departe...

flowers in the window (in old medieval part of Brasov)... / flori la fereasta (in centrul istoric al Brasovului)...