

Oficiala sau nu, purtand un nume aparte sau nu… fiecare zi poate fi o sarbatoare. Cata vreme bucuria intalnirii si-a impartasirii lucrurilor simple sunt cele ce ne aduc laolalta. 
Va multumesc tuturor!


Official or not, bearing a particular name or not... each day may be a celebration. Just as long as the joy of meeting each other and sharing simple things are those to bring us together.
Thank you all!

12 comentarii:

  1. Lovely, very lovely embroidery, Roxana. In Japan, the combination of red and white is a symbol for auspicious occasions. This is the special celebration for me to see you and this art of work on your blog. The red color, even a tint of red color makes us feel warm. In winter, I like to wear red sweater. The color also kind of intoxicates us and seems to have magical power. The napkins are nicely photographed: I like to see subtle light and shadow on them.

    Stay warm and have happy days ahead.


  2. Thank you very much, Yoko!
    Meeting you, even though only virtually through your wonderful blog, it was a special occasion for me.
    It's funny that you speak about the magical power of the red color. Thinking back at the time I did this napkin, I realize that I felt quite happy and energetic while working. Now it makes sense!
    In Romania sewing with red thread on white fabric is pretty common in traditional shirts (ie). It is used especially for young women to express vitality and effervescence of life. Then, as time goes by and the old age comes, red is changed with black color.

    Take good care of yourself (they say is very cold in Japan also) and have happy days ahead!

  3. Hello, roxana.

      The coldest winter will be melted by your warm heart.
      The works gently accept all visitors.

      I praise your creative art sense.
      The prayer for all peace.
      Have a good weekend.
    From Japan, ruma ❃

  4. Roxana, how nice to find your blog!! Special day today because of this...I smile tenderly when I look at your work... My mom does napkings like yours... and I love them... I apreciate this art very much...Love from south Brazil!!

  5. Hello ruma!

    Visitors like you always melt my heart and make me happy for being so lucky to have met you. Thank you!

    From miles away and beyond beautiful snowing I'm sending you my warmest wishes.

    All the best and have a great week!

  6. Vera Luiza Vaz,

    To receive such beautiful comments about my work is very special for me!
    I can't imagine a better joy than to put a smile on your face with what I did or a better compliment than to be told that my works remind you of your mother's... It's an honor for me.

    Thank you very much and I wish you all the best!

  7. Roxana ,

    Tu le-ai facut ?
    Am ramas muta de admiratie.
    Doamne cata rabdare si cat talent.
    Te admir si te invidiez :)
    Eu in veci de veci nu as putea face asa ceva .
    Privirea mi-a ramas efectiv lipita de ele .E ca atunci cand intr-o expozitie un tablou nu te lasa sa te dezlipesti si sa pleci .
    Superb !

  8. Buna seara, Lia!

    Iti multumesc mult pentru aprecieri si pentru cuvintele frumoase! Entuziasmul tau mi-a adus in minte mandria si duiosia cu care descrii lucrurile de bucatarie ramase de la bunica ta. Tare m-ai emotionat...

    Da, prosoapele sunt facute de mine.
    Sa stii ca nu sunt greu de facut, important e sa-ti placa sa ai asemenea indeletniciri. :) Sunt insa mari consumatoare de timp: imi trebuie aproximativ doua zile ca sa termin unul.

  9. Extraodinar! Chiar nu am cuvinte! Cred, sper ca nu iti faci mari probleme, cum si ce vei face. Ai tot ce iti trebuie, chiar tot.

  10. Metaneira, ce surpriza frumoasa!
    Iti multumesc mult pentru incurajari si tare ma bucur ca-ti plac prosoapele mele brodate.
    Nu stiu daca am "chiar tot ce imi trebuie" :-) dar stiu ca imi face placere sa cos, sa brodez, de cele mai multe ori ideile venindu-mi de la sine.
    Voi reveni cu ceva diferit, in curand.

    Te imbratisez si-ti doresc un weekend cat mai fain!

  11. Buna, Roxana. Imi plac servetele, mult de tot. Abia astept sa mai vad si altele.

  12. Irina, buna seara!
    Multumesc mult, ma bucur ca ti-au placut. Mai am ceva idei, dar inca sunt in lucru, sa zic asa. Vedem ce iese la final! :)
