

am pornit de la culoare- turcoaz. purtatoare a energiilor pozitive, piatra cu acelasi nume este frecvent folosita ca talisman protector, in cultura indienilor nord-americani. culoarea s-a imbinat de minune cu franjurii. la fel de frecvent intalniti, in aceeasi cultura.

it started with the colour - turquoise. carrier of positive energies, the stone with the same name is frequently used as a protective amulet in North American Indian culture. the colour matched beautifully with the fringe, just as frequently used, in the same culture.

in timp ce lucram franjurii, broderia se incapatana sa ramana in umbra. modele, semne si simboluri se derulau pe rand in fata ochilor, dar nimic nu parea potrivit.

while I was making the fringe, the embroidery remained unseen, hidden in the shadow. patterns, signs and symbols: one by one came to unreel before my eyes but none of them seemed appropriate.

vita-de-vie s-a creionat pe panza de la sine, galbenul strugurilor venind sa completeze si sa incalzeasca albastrul si turcoazul. in final, cocosul de Hurez a aparut ca un firesc, prezenta solara si totodata protectoare, precum culoarea de la care a pornit totul…

the vine painted itself on the fabric, the yellow of the grapes completing and warming up the light blue and the turquoise. in the end, the Hurez rooster took his place in the opposite corner spontaneously, solar and protective presence just as the colour from which everything started…

4 comentarii:

  1. Ruxi,
    Nu prea ne mai vedem și tare rău îmi pare...
    Îmi plac franjurii turcoaz și coada mândră a cocoșului de Hurez!
    Culori limpezi în lumina amiezii de toamnă!!
    O zi bună îți doresc!

  2. Gina,

    Iti multumesc, ma bucur ca ti-a placut cocosul de Hurez! Turcoazul este intr-adevar o culoare curata, cumva linistitoare.

    Am o perioada mai incarcata acum, mai vin si citesc din cand in cand... ma bucur ca esti bine.
    O seara buna si-o duminica frumoasa iti doresc la randul meu!

  3. What a lovely centerpiece! Is this embroidered by you, Roxana? Turquoise color is my favorite. Wish you it bring you good luck.

    Thank you for your personal reply by e-mail and the link to YouTube video, Autumn Was Never, on your comment. Romanian autumn is so beautiful! I like autumn best. Though it’s the season of ripeness and fruitfulness, it is also the time to prepare for the onslaught of the winter, perceiving the shadow of ending soon. Is that why the music sounds melancholy and somewhat sad? The tune touches the string of my heart.


  4. Yoko, welcome and thank you for your beautiful words! Yes, I made the embroidery, as well as the others, previously posted on my blog.
    Even though it is not my favourite colour, I think turquoise is a warm and very refreshing one. I hope it brings you luck and I only wish I could offer you this napkin!

    Romanian autumn is very beautiful indeed and I miss it a lot. Here, in this part of England where I live now, I can only speak about two seasons and autumn is rarely other than grey...
    I am happy you liked the song and I believe you are right: it sounds melancholic and sad because as a part of the nature, we die along with her every year, hoping and awaiting for our rebirth in spring.

    p.s. I will try to translate the text in English so that you make an idea about the "story" behind this embroidery. Thank you again for stopping by!
